With arrival of colds many people begin thinking about the methods of heating of living and industrial spaces. The infrared heater is an excellent device, capable to create comfortable temperature on the principle of heating the walls, the ceiling, a floor and subjects inside.
IR-heating has variety of advantages before other ways of heat supply:
Due to all above-mentioned characteristics this way of heating is used large demand for heating of greenhouses, warehouses and residential buildings, industrial shops of different area.
As a rule, industrial premises have an area large enough and to heat them in cold period is quite difficult. Many modern companies use infrared heaters for this purposes that give chance not only provide home heating with electricity but allow creating comfortable temperature in workshops, storehouses, hangars and other premises.
The principle of work of the electrical heater is connected with the infrared radiation heating the subjects and overlappings of the working area.
The maximum heating temperature on the heater’s surface can reach 650-700 C degrees. The ability of rising of IR-heating system to the most convenient distance from the floor is especially suitable for workshops, with the height of 7m and more.
The use of infrared heating at industrial zones not only solves the problem of heat supply, but significantly reduces energy costs. Depending on heat loss of the room for heating of the room with the area 10 sq.m with infrared rays it needs just from 0,5 kW instead of standard 1 kW at traditional heating system. Simple mathematical calculations and economy are obviously.
For the comfort of users depending on technical conditions of workshop, warehouse and hangar the different types of infrared heaters are offered:
All types of infrared heaters can be equipped by the thermal sensor allowing to set desirable temperature and save the electricity.
This heating system, working minimal time gives the maximum heat transfer and provide comfortable conditions for work of employees that positively affect at their productivity.
Industrial ceiling infrared electric heaters Teplov are successfully used for: