Vinnytsia NTU recommends infrared heaters TM Teplov

Researches in the field of energy efficiency of infrared heating of industrial premises
Vinnitsa National Technical University conducted research on modern heating systems in industrial premises for compliance with environmental, sanitary, hygienic, fire and other standards that provide energy efficiency and safety for life and health of people in a heated facility.
As stated in the materials on the work done by G.S. Ratushnyak and DA Shpita: “The industrial sector is the most difficult to maintain, which is why heating industrial premises requires a special approach, taking into account the specifics of using these rooms”.
Heating must comply with sanitary standards, despite the fact that the ceiling height can be from 2.5 m to 25 and more meters. Centralized water heating will not be able to cope with so many air masses. Expensive boilers, pipes, installation work and permits, low energy efficiency leave this type of heating in the past.
Air heating systems also lead to unjustified expenses at industrial facilities with high ceilings. Starting a system and warming it up takes a long period of time and huge energy costs.
When choosing heating systems, the following factors should be considered:
- the need for zones with different climate control;
- wall thickness and materials;
- the presence of drafts, the speed of air through open openings.
Many enterprises, taking into account all the positive and negative points, when choosing methods of heating industrial enterprises, opt for infrared heating.
The Dneprspetsmash enterprise keeps up to date
A striking example is the installation of 13 infrared heaters Teplov U6000 at the Dneprspetsmash enterprise in the city of Dnipro. This made it possible to create an air temperature of +18 in a room with an area of 676 m 2, even with weather temperature conditions up to -20 degrees.
A feature of infrared or radiation heating is the direct heating of the floor surface and objects. In this case, there is no chemical reaction in substances that can be stored indoors. Infrared heaters ТМ “TEPLOV” are certified and have the necessary documents confirming fire safety and the absence of harm to human health, even if it is under direct rays of infrared radiation.
As stated in the materials on the study of infrared heating of industrial premises, in particular at the Dneprspetsmash facility: “Room heating was achieved by using a stream of radiation energy from the infrared spectrum from heaters located directly above the working area. When using this type of heating, the temperature increase in height is about 0.3 degrees per meter, in the absence of the effect of overheating of the upper part of the room. As a result, reduction of heating costs is about 30-40% ”.
Another advantage of the installed infrared heaters is that they allow to achieve a high degree of thermal comfort in the working areas and can be used both primary and secondary heating.
Infrared heating - an efficient and profitable way to heat
According to the results of the scientific work of Vinnitsa National Technical University: “Given the existing variety of technical capabilities for heating industrial buildings, it is important to choose the most effective and cost-effective option. The use of modern energy-efficient technologies and methods of automation of heating equipment allows us to achieve significant energy savings ".
Based on the work done, it is possible to draw a reasonable conclusion that infrared autonomous heating is by far the most acceptable, cost-effective and productive in industrial facilities.