Bilux comes and loses. A cautionary tale about what unfair competition leads to

Teplov is a successful domestic company with its own production
The Ukrprom company has been developing infrared heating for 16 years. Since 2010, the company has developed and launched the production of infrared heaters of its own design under the Teplov brand. Among our partners there are such financial and industrial giants of Ukraine as Metinvest, Zarya-Mashproekt, Kryukovsky Carriage Building, NZTO, etc. Since 2014, products under the Teplov brand receive CE certification and enter foreign markets - infrared heaters of our production are successfully implemented in the countries of near and far abroad.
Decency is one of the fundamental principles of our work. We believe that business development should be based on transparency and fair competition as a guarantee of civilized business relations. Unfortunately, we recently became convinced that not everyone is inherent in decency when faced with patent trolling.
The products of our company under the TM "Teplov" can be easily found on various Internet resources from our own website to the marketplace.
Level 99 Troll
Someone named Oleg Litvinov, trying to carry out patent trolling and block the successful sales of our products, submits a complaint to the administration of the website on behalf of Bilyuks Ukraine LLC, in which he demands to block all our offers on this marketplace, which is one of the main in Ukraine. In support of the complaint, Litvinov sends an illegally issued patent for a product (utility model) of a ceiling infrared heater.
According to the current legislation of Ukraine, any individual or legal entity has the right to question the legality of obtaining patents for inventions or utility models by sending a petition to the authorized intellectual property control bodies.
In order to protect our rights, ensure fair and transparent business conduct and prevent harm to our business activities, the Ukrprom Company was forced to take appropriate measures.
As a result, the patent for infrared heaters Bilux, from the owner, who launched a "patent attack" on our business, was invalidated in the general patent database.
Bilux is a toxic company with a dubious reputation
An attempt at unfair competition on the part of a company that produces similar heaters, but under a different trademark, at inflated prices, with the aim of creating a monopoly on the market, turned out to be unsuccessful: the "copyright holder" of Biluх was left not only without a patent, but also discredited its trademark, a patent attorney who issued a fictitious patent, and also dealt a blow to the reputation of the UAPROM marketplace, the administration of which, we are sure, will draw the appropriate conclusions from this story.