Industrial heating, space heating

Industrial heating, space heating
When introducing efficient and economical infrared heating of industrial premises, the owner of the enterprise achieves the following advantages:
- By reducing the incidence of employees and increasing the comfort of work, work productivity is increased
- Installation of infrared heating in a production room is much cheaper than installing boiler equipment
- Heating rooms with high ceilings with IR systems costs several times less than the operating costs of convective systems
- IR systems do not require any maintenance for the entire period of operation of industrial heating. Saving finance on maintenance
- High quality of IR heaters TM Teplov (certified in the EU countries, 10 year warranty) practically exclude repair costs
IR heating of industrial premises is implemented in several ways.
1. Autonomous IR heating of industrial areas.
This option is implemented on the basis of industrial infrared heaters mounted both on the ceiling and on the walls. IR rays are revealed at 110 C, covering as much as possible the area of an industrial building. The most effective way is to use IR-beam crossing.
Heating for industrial premises "Kiev Electric Car Repair Plant"
This heating option is applied provided that the area of the heating zones is more than 30% of the total area of the room.
For additional savings, adjusting the required temperature, observing the so-called night heating mode, IR heaters are connected via temperature regulators.
2. Heating of local areas of an industrial building.
If there is no need for autonomous heating of the entire industrial building, or the area of working areas, plots is less than 30% of the total floor space, infrared heaters are used for local heating of the “U” series.
For more efficient local area heating, less powerful heaters are installed on several sides. For example, such a heater may be a model of the infrared medium-wave heater U1500.
In the event that the heater is installed above 3.5 meters, it is recommended to pay attention to more powerful, industrial heaters for local heating.
Our company, a manufacturer of infrared heaters TM Teplov, offers thermal calculation, installation and commissioning of industrial premises and buildings. Heating industrial premises with IR heaters efficiently, reliably and economically.
On the basis of our heaters, efficient and economical heating of workshops, warehouses, hangars, industrial premises is carried out. If necessary, we will help transfer your company to electric infrared heating.