Heating of the workshop “Kiev electric railway-car repair plant”
The infrared heating often become peculiar “life saver” for them, who want to heat substandard, often huge premises (workshops, industrial and production premises) with large heat loses. The heating problems in such cases are contained in scales of heating zones, in ceiling height from which depends air volume, which is necessary to heat to definite temperature. Also the task may complicated by the building, where there is a warehouse, workshop stay at open place and all its walls are outside and don’t protected from weather conditions. For today, in such cases it’s possible to count on only on the infrared method of heating. Regardless of blowing the premise, its abilities to hold and to cumulate heat, infrared heaters will heat all surfaces in the area of its radiation, creating comfortable conditions of work for man and technique, preventing often damages and necessity of additional expenses on fuel things for heating of automatics.
The management of Kiev electric railway-car repair plant address to us with a task to heat a workshop, where are made works directly at cars repair that means, that proportions of such premise are so huge that not one known and habitual system of hating doesn’t cope with heating. The common area, which was necessary to heat with a help of infrared meters contains 980 sq. m. All walls and ceiling are directly contact with environment, that means any decreasing of temperature, downfall in form of snow and rain directly influence on felt air temperature in the workshop, where are constantly working people. We created, previous calculating everything and planed, unique heating system, used electrical heating of workshop “Kiev electrical railway-car repair plant”, in Kiev, for daily supporting of the temperature there in 10 degrees.
28 infrared heaters Teplov P400, controlled by 5 thermoregulators Eberle 6121, were started during first 30 minutes, temperature in workshop increased on 2 degrees.
At heated volume of air mass in premise equal to 9800 m3, on our calculations expenses in average month will contain 18500 hryvnas at tariff – 1,4 hrn/kWt.