The economical heating of the cottage by electricity.
The heating of the cottage is aimed to decide several main tasks, which are not characteristic for the heating of usual houses. First of all, such heating system should provide the maximal effectiveness of work on the short period of time (usually 1-4 days). Coming to the cottage in cold season, the owners seldom spend there weeks or months, usually these are weekends, holidays – just that’s why the heating of the cottage should quickly start and effectively to heat the premise in only few hours. The second important moment – is the simple process of installation, which will give the possibility to equip the heating of the cottage by yourself. Such system must be maximal universal and comfortable at the installation and start. The next important demand – is the compactness. The massive equipment can occupy the functional part of the premise, and sometimes even demands the special room for this. If the heating of the cottage is installed after finishing of buildings and repair, to detach the large area under the service, for example, the solid-fuel boiler it will be difficult.
The heating of the cottage by electricity is the most fully combine in itself all named demands. The heating with a help of electrical heaters, panels, convectors for a long time was considering as the alternative, additional way of heating and doesn’t consider as the main. However, today it’s possible to tell about the row of advantages of electrical heating before the others, and they will coincide in many respects with the demands of high inertance, simplicity of the installation, compactness, that were made to the cottage heating. So, the cottage heating by the electricity is possible to equip with a help of convectors, which work immediate with the air in the premise and passing it through itself, give the heat. The convective systems good suited for small rooms and are installed as radiators, under the windows – at the places of the biggest heat losses, for the flows of cold air don’t cool the room. The modern convectors are equipped by thermoregulators, which allow clearly to set the temperature, and sometimes time of the work and moment of system start. This allows to save at the warming up of the cottage at the time of your absence. Together with wall convectors there are floor variants, which work at the same principle. Such equipment is easily installed already after repair and fix with a help of several fastening elements practically to any surface. However cottage heating with a convective system can lead to the air drying and to the strong circulation of dust parts in the premise. The user of such systems often buys the additional humidifier not to harm to their health. The convective system of heating also will be not enough effective in the premise with the low level of warming. Only the level of isolation, corresponding to the European standards of energy saving, allows really create the economical heating of cottage, however in Ukraine houses are seldom build on these characteristics. That’s why you’ll have to increase the power of the system, for effective heating with convectors.
The economical heating of the cottage by electricity, for today, can providethe system of infrared heating. The principle of work of the infrared heaters is absolutely differs from the convectors and other systems, which work on the air heating in premise. The infrared heating often is called radiant, because heaters at working time radiate invisible for man waves of warmth, which are absorbed by all surfaces, subjects and even by man’s skin and in the radius of heater action. We’ll mark at all, that such heating of the cottage is safe for health, if to obey the demands to height and zones of fixing the equipment.
Is it possible to consider the infrared heaters as the sample of economical heating and guaranty of low costs for the cottage heating?
At the right calculations of the power of the infrared system and qualitative equipments it’s possible to save about 50% of costs at the electrical energy in comparison with other heating systems. Special thermo regulators with the sensors at the achievement of the setting temperature, can shut off the heaters and start the system only after that as will fix the decreasing of the temperature in premise. Such flexibility of the system allows to save money and also ideally fit to installation at the cottage, because it is quickly launched, works independent and doesn’t demand the constant control. The economical heating of the cottage bythe infrared ceiling heaters saves 100% of useful area and allows to equip the heating of the cottage by yourself just for several days. The infrared ceiling heaters Teplov effectively work even at low level of heat isolation of the premise, and in warmed house allow to save on the heating much more. Due to direct heating of the surfaces, in the room doesn’t create additional air circulation, drafts and remains necessary level of humidity.
The economical heating of the cottage by electricity – it’s a reality and the usage of infrared ceiling heaters Teplov will make such heating profitable, effective and flexible at any demands of periodicity and power. The connection of heaters to different thermo regulators in different rooms allows to create unique microclimate and zonal heating in premise independently from each other. The characteristics of our heaters and certificates of quality you can study on our site.