Infrared Ceiling Heaters

Infrared Ceiling Heaters
When choosing a heating system, it is important to pay attention to two main characteristics that reflect the power of the equipment, as well as its safety in various environments. So, if you need to heat a small room where people are a small amount of time, then a heater with a small power will be enough. With regard to safety, then, first of all, it should be considered whether the equipment will be surrounded by children or flammable objects. The type of heaters, the place of installation and even its appearance will depend on these and many other points.
To date, the most versatile heating system, which is available for operation in rooms of various directions, can be called infrared heating. As a rule, it is created using infrared ceiling heaters, but there are also infrared panels and films. Infrared systems owe their popularity to a special heating method, which is based on the direct heating of all surfaces of the room. It is due to direct contact of the rays with the furniture, floor and even a person that you can achieve a quick and high-quality result within 30 minutes after starting the system. In order for ceiling infrared panels to maximize the comfort and warmth of any room, you must consider their method of installation. In the Ukrainian market there are a sufficient number of qualified specialists who will help you correctly calculate and install an electric heating system. Infrared ceiling panels are also related to those and are quite simple to select and install, we can say that it is almost the same as adjusting the lighting in the house.
Infrared ceiling heaters are the most optimal use for heating apartments, public and commercial premises, as well as in production. Their installation requires certain thermal engineering calculations. Despite their simplicity, they are very important. You should not fully rely on recommendations for the use of a particular IR heater in its data sheet. Each room, especially if it has a non-standard design and dimensions, requires a unique approach, all heating specialists agree on this. The standard indicators for calculating power (100 W per 1 sq. M with ceilings up to 3 meters) for a heating system of any kind do not take into account the percentage of glazing, the purpose of using the room, the presence of other objects that give off heat to the air (computer, gas stove) and much more . A unique heat engineering calculation will help to take all this into account and reduce heating costs by up to 50%. To install infrared ceiling heaters, as a rule, an indicator of thermal power is used starting from 50 W per 1 sq. m and ending with 90-110 watts. Specialists, according to the characteristics of the room, will determine how many watts are needed from this range. Turning to the services of the manufacturer or regional representatives, you can see an individual approach to heating your home, office, store or heating production.
Of course, if the use of an infrared ceiling panel comes down to 2-3 hours a day and acts as additional heating, and the room itself is not large (entrance hall, country house), then you can use the parameters given in the data sheet and choose a heater that best suited to the item "recommended area" to your premises. However, you should not forget about safety during installation - clearly follow the instructions.
Ceiling infrared heaters are best suited for rooms where the entire usable area is already in use and it is difficult to allocate space for the installation of a floor or wall heater. IR heaters are easily mounted on the ceiling, the height of which should be at least 220-240 cm, and the mounting location is determined taking into account the location of the working areas and recreation areas.
To control the system, you will need to purchase a special thermostat that will set the heating temperature you need for infrared heaters from 5 to 30 degrees.