Infrared grain dryer
The popularity of infrared heaters is due to their high efficiency compared to other types of heating. 98% of consumed electricity turns into heat. This is the highest indicator among all types of heating, both autonomous and individual.
IR are used not only for space heating, but as practice shows, for various production purposes. At one of the enterprises, infrared heaters were successfully used for drying grain in specially equipped boxes.
The principle of infrared wave action of the heater is aimed at heating objects, not the air itself. Thus, the grain is uniformly heated to a depth of 4 centimeters, ensuring its drying. To remove moisture in the room, forced exhaust ventilation was installed, providing an outflow of excess moisture and warm air.
Heaters TM Teplov are universal
At this facility, TeploV U2000 infrared heaters were used. This model combines all the positive aspects of street and domestic heaters of the TEPLOV company. It differs from other models in design. Thanks to high-precision specially designed reflectors, the angle of infrared rays is 80 degrees, which allows you to calculate directional heating and concentrate heat on the desired object. The heater is quick to install and easy to operate..
The task was successfully completed:
- the required temperature is reached for uniform drying of the grain;
- profitability and productivity of infrared heating;
- grain is not exposed to harmful effects;
- quick installation;
- safety;
- high warranty performance.
The proposed alternative methods of drying grain, such as air or electric ovens, clearly lose due to high energy consumption and high dust content. They require large rooms, protective suits for employees and are not fireproof.
The TEPLOV company offers a wide choice of infrared heaters for various purposes. Consultants will help you choose the right model, calculate the amount depending on the area of the room and the height of the ceilings. This can be industrial facilities of various directions, public places, residential, medical, children's institutions, outdoor street areas, as well as infrared heating of greenhouses and farms. When you decide to buy an infrared heater, you will solve the problem of individual heating, significantly save on investments in a new type of heating and energy consumption.