The modern heating of the office building
Taking on lease or buying the office premise, it’s important to check the presence of qualitative heating for normal work of the office staff. If office is a part of big building, and there are shops here, entertainment center and other, so heating of office premise could be connected to the central boiler station. However not always such possibility is the best solution, because next calculations of expenses on heating can not to correspond to the volume of received by you heat. For avoiding the payment for heating, which didn’t achieve you in view of imperfection of system or its “old” age, the modern market of heating offers the installation of all kinds autonomous systems for independent control and regulation of consumed resources and, corresponding, expenses.
The heatingof the office building at large also necessary to provide with a help of separate regulated elements of system, because never impossible exact to foresee how fully will be rented or bought out premises, according, it’s better to provide the main heating with the help of zonal heating system. Such heating of the office allow to turn on the heating when it’s really necessary in this or that office premise, without start of the system at the whole building. Due to installation of autonomous modules we receive possibility clearly to calculate expenses of this or that renter, to save on heating of empty rooms and in case of necessity, to move heaters to other premise.
Electrical heating of the office: possibilities of economy
1. The electrical heating presents the most profitable combination of mobility and cost-effectiveness, because immediate their installation in premise, which necessary to heat, allow to avoid the heat losses on 15-40%, which are usually appear at time of heat transfer on routes
2. The electrical heating of the office allow to heat premise exact in time of its using and also to support the minimal admissible temperature in time of absence the staff on working place. From all modern electrical heaters the most flexible system can be set at using of infrared ceiling or wall heaters.
3.The reducing of heat losses by the direct heating of subjects, not the air mass. The technologies of radiant heating decrease the spends on 25-40% for the cost of penetration the heat rays directly in solid materials and surfaces. The heating of the office premise may be in creation of single heat regime or adjustment of microclimate separately in working zones. Also for reducing of heat losses infrared heaters are possible to fix above door and window openings - so created the heat curtain, which reduces heat exchange with air outside.
The infrared long-wave heaters have the following useful properties for achieving of maximal economy:
1. The high effectiveness – 97% gives possibility to use all consuming energy on result.
2. Decentralization of electrical heating of the office – infrared heating system needn’t the installation of adding pipes, boilers, using of working environment (water, gas).
3. Built-in automatic on the base of microprocessor – is the modern and fast control of heaters work, for the providing the constant heating of the office without constant man control and interference.
4. Digital sensors of fixation the temperature in the office, for monitoring its fall.
The heating of the offices “Oshchadbank” departments in Rovno
The representative of TM Teplov in Rovno city have recently finished new object – was installed the system of infrared heating in the office of Oschadbank. One of the examples of using outdoor infrared heatersTeplov – it is the installation of the system elements at the entrance in premise. This considerably reduce the expenses to the main heating (if it is available) or at all changed it, if correctly calculate the necessary power of the system for heating of office premise. For using the possibility to install the infrared system Teplov, you can address to our representative offices more than in 15 districts of Ukraine, in Kharkov city our productions is situated. The heating of the office by infrared heaters, you’ll receive economy, which is difficult to get at using of other ways of heating – 15-40% compared with gas and others.