Heating of the cafe.
In autumn, when appears a wish to go to some little café or restaurant to drink coffee and to eat tasty, you choose not only according to such criteria as taste and price, but it’s desirable to be warm and comfortable in café, and only noise of a rain in the street behind the window remind about the cold weather. Surely, the owners take care about their clients and forward-looking install heating in the café, spending considerable sums on the installation and maintenance of this system during the heating season. We offer our future clients to make a choice in favor of a modern, economical and the main stylish and comfortable in all ways kind of heating of premise. Heating of the café by the infrared heaters Teplov it is a chance for the nearest 30 years to forget about the problem of arrival the heating season, worrying about the facts when the heating will give this year, if your establishment is connected to the central heating system. The equipment of TM Teplov works by using the method of infrared radiation, which means, that each our heater will present you a part of sollar heat at any time of day and year. Infrared heating of the café and other establishments where people have a rest constantly, allows to save on the heating to 40% in comparison with using of other heating methods.
Infrared heating of the cafe “Champion”
Very recently we have finished work at the network cafe “Champion” in Rovno. The owners and employees stayed satisfied because they didn’t have to close café for the installation work, creating nuisance for the loyal customers. Teplov heaters were fixed on the metal ropes and that is important esthetically fitted into a bright cafe interior. Our specialists have tried to situate them in such way, that the main zones were heated, where people are most often. That’s why IR heating of summer cafe have been fixed in a working zone of waiters over the stand for implementation of orders and over the tables where customers will have a rest. For the regulation of heating temperature we have installed special control sensor which is directly connected with the whole system and allows to set desirable temperature at any moment.