The heating of industrial and manufacturing premises of SE “NARP”
Not so long ago were summarized the results of tender on heating of industrial premises of State enterprise “Nikolaev aircraft repair plant “NARP”. The company “Ukrprom” is worthy presented its line of infrared heaters Teplov before the organizers so that quality of our equipment couldn’t stay unnoticed.
We are glad to inform, that we won this tender and are ready to begin to the major work on the heating of such serious enterprise of state meaning as SE “NARP”
We are not the first, who won the tenders, because heaters Teplov are really have all necessary characteristics, to be the best (in tender also took part infrared heaters BiLux, Ekostar and Helios). However, it’s pleasant for us every time that our work was appreciated and desire to improve only increases. The history of SE NARP, its contribution in the aviation industry from the beginning of the USSR, now Ukraine is impossible to overestimate. And we with large responsibility approach to providing of the system autonomous heating at such historical enterprise. This is the case, when modern technologies are correctly implemented and applying for the benefit of large number of people. For its history, from the moment of foundation (1939 year) and for now, SE NARP conducted aircraft assembly, made their repair, learned new models, which then were successfully used in aviation during World War II, in peace time. For today, SE NARP – it’s a plant on repair of airplanes Il-76MD, Il-78, SU-24, gas turbine engine and many others.
Big workshops and hangars of the enterprise were built more then 50 years ago and surely now it’s difficult to say that they are enough heating for normal work. Just that’s why, by the management of enterprise was choose the modern way of industrial heating. The infrared heaters Teplov will be installed as the main heating, so as local for some zones. As for technical question, for heating of the area more then 2000 sq.m we will use such heaters:
- Middle-wave industrial IR heater Teplov U4500 – 8 pieces (local heating);
- Indusrtial outdoor IR heater Teplov U6000 – 11 pieces (local heating);
- Industrial infrared heater Teplov P4000 – 28 pieces (main heating).
Just such number of infrared heaters was projected according area of premises, indicators of heat losses and other important facts. The infrared heating of industrial premises, its advantages were already described in others our articles.
I’d like to add only, that we are with pleasure doing our job, because we are sure in the quality of our equipment and it’s pleasant for us, that every time, winning the tender or receiving the order on the heating of premises, where people are constantly, management of establishments and enterprises recognize the infrared heating as the most effective and profitable way to create the necessary conditions of warmth and comfort in premise.
Thank You for trust!