Heating of the metal processing workshop "Iberus-Kiev", Kiev
Heaters TM Teplov are now installed at one of the largest plants, namely in the metal processing workshop of the Iberus-Kiev company. A specific place of work has always required the provision of special working conditions for workers who are employed in industries and industrial enterprises. That is why the directorate of the company Iberus-Kiev decided to take care of its subordinates and chose the most modern and adapted equipment for heating the workshop - infrared heaters.
This type of heating works according to the latest developments of our company’s specialists, because we are always ready to improve, take into account all your special wishes (for example, painting heaters in a certain color). The most adapted IR equipment is because, firstly, it has a strong protective case, in which a gap is provided for expanding the panels during heating, and secondly, IR rays do not emit light during operation.
Also, heaters can be mounted at any convenient and possible angle both vertically and horizontally, because this will absolutely not affect its performance and will not create unnecessary pressure on individual parts and mounts. Industrial infrared heaters installed in Iberus-Kiev in the workshop have the required power and radius of action that fully comply with the stated requirements for this room.
Infrared heating of the workshop at the factory, production, enterprise is an important issue, which can now be very easily and efficiently solved using infrared heaters TM Teplov. We will be happy to help you make your choice, as well as calculate the number of required heaters, their type and power.