Heating of the production room of the joint venture of the Navy, Stavishche
Infrared heating is rapidly gaining popularity in various spheres of human activity. The biggest breakthrough, according to our observations, was the use of infrared heaters for heating industrial premises with huge areas and high ceilings, where the creation of a stable, normal temperature for a person to stay at first glance seems completely unrealistic. Typically, heat losses in such large-sized rooms are very large and it is not possible to reduce them for many reasons, including the specifics of the work that is carried out there and the nature of the construction (warehouse, workshop) with large gaps in the window frames and entrance openings. Often such rooms are located in an open area and are completely not protected from wind blowing, and any sharp temperature drop can even negatively affect the building itself.
Infrared heaters are a real way to defeat all these troubles and provide workers and equipment with stable heating of the production room, where they can safely work at any time of the year. The rays of long-wave infrared heaters of Heat also will not allow freezing equipment, fuel fluid and other important chemicals for work. The heating of the production shop of the joint venture of the Navy, which we carried out with the help of sixteen heaters P4000 Teplov, became a vivid indicator of all the advantages of infrared heating. A room with an area of 453 m2 is now constantly heated to a temperature of 18 degrees above zero, and allows you to ensure smooth operation at the enterprise. Thermostats perfectly perform their function and do not require constant intervention and control of the heating system.