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      Wattage of TeploV IR heating: Watts
      Wattage of convectional heating: Watts

      Wall-mounted infrared heater Teplov H500


      Heated area, m² 12
      Rated power, W 450
      Dimensions, mm 1000х450х20
      Weight, kg 6
      Place order


      Wall infrared panel Teplov H500 is represented a radiation panel consisting of stylish slim case (thickness just 20 mm) and heating lamellas made from anodized aluminum. The choice of the aluminum as a heating element was made in connection with that an aluminum possess one of the best coefficients of a heat transfer equal to 236 W/m*K that is practically in 5 times higher than steel panels of analogical producer (47 W/m*K).


      WallinfraredheaterTeplovH500 istheuniversalproductasforthemainandforadditionalheatingofthehousehold, commercialandbudgetpremiseswiththeceilingsheightto 3 m, andexactly:

      - heating of the flat, house, country house, cottage and so on

      - heating of the office, of the rented premise, shop and so on

      - heating of the schools, kindergarden, hospital chamber and so on 

      Technical characteristics.

      The main heating (+ 20 inside, -20 outside) – 12m2

      Additional heating – 20 m2

      Interseasonal heating (to -4C on the street) – 15 m2.

      The nominal power of heater is 500 W

      Overall dimensions (without bindings) – 1000х450х20 mm

      Guaranty of quality.

      Infrared heaters Teplov have all permissive documents, conclusion about the fire safety and permission of the sanitary epidemiological service. Confidence in the quality of our production, allows to provide you a guaranty on 10 years. The service life of long-wave heaters is 25 years
