Heating of a house, a summer residence, a country house

Heating of a house, a summer residence, a country house
Each owner of a summer residence, a country house, wants so that in his place of rest from the city bustle there is effective and economical heating. There are many heating systems on the Ukrainian market, from furnaces to super-technological electric boilers. However, our opinion is that all these systems have certain disadvantages.
For example, what to do if you are rarely in the country?
1. to heat a country house or a country house in the absence of owners by boilers is unprofitable, and to put it mildly unsafe! No one is safe from the possibility of leakage of water from pipes and batteries. If, for some reason, the boiler shuts down, then upon arrival the owners will not only have a cold resting place, but also a complete overhaul from frozen and broken pipes.
2. Ovens? Perhaps this is a worthwhile option, but, in this case, you should always take care of the availability of fuel and monitor its constant presence in the furnace. In addition, lovers of sound sleep will clearly not like this option due to the fact that in the middle of the night you will have to disturb your sleep in order to maintain burning. It is also necessary to clean the pipelines annually and make sure that they do not burn out. In addition, if children will run around in your house, you will always have to make sure that they do not get close to the stove, or enclose it.
3. Our opinion is that a more interesting and practical solution will be to use electric ceiling long-wave infrared heaters for heating a summer house and a country house.
We suggest you bring out the pros and cons of infrared ceiling heaters.
It is difficult to come up with a more ideal solution for heating summer cottages and country houses if heating needs to be used from time to time. By type of power, they can be either gas or electric.
We suggest that you focus on the latter.
The good news is that ceiling electric IR devices for summer houses and country houses really have undeniable advantages, which are as follows:
- appliances quickly warm the room. Depending on the type of infrared heaters (short-wave, medium-wave and long-wave), the time to reach the operating mode is from 1 minute;
- If your house has bad old, non-glued windows, this is not a big trouble. IR heaters do not heat the air, they heat objects. With infrared radiation, the perceived temperature will be 3-4 degrees higher than real.
- IR heaters do not emit combustion products and unpleasant odors;
- Devices do not dry air and do not burn oxygen. Accordingly, such heating will be more pleasant compared to convection;
- For installation of ceiling infrared heaters does not require floor and wall area. Heaters are mounted on the ceiling;
- IR heaters have an efficiency above 90%. Provided that a temperature regulator is connected to it, the system turns into fully automatic and turns on only when the temperature drops below the necessary;
- Infrared heaters can be used not only for heating enclosed spaces, but also for local heating of open areas, such as arbors, verandas, etc.
As you have seen, a ceiling electric IR device is really an indispensable thing for heating summer cottages and country houses.
Disadvantages of heating a summer house, a country house with infrared ceiling heaters.
Often you can hear negative reviews about the heating of the cottage with infrared heaters. Like it was cold, it remained. Not one degree did the temperature rise. IR heating is absolutely not effective.
According to experience, in 95% of cases, it is far from infrared heaters!
The fact is that for space heating it is necessary to make at least an elementary thermal calculation and selection of the required heater power. After all, it does not occur to anyone to boil water at a temperature of 40 degrees. So why then will it be enough to install one, albeit an infrared, low-power heater on a large room?
The company Ukrprom, a manufacturer of infrared heaters TM Teplov has tremendous experience in installing infrared heating. Starting from 2005 with the distribution of Russian Bilyuks heaters and ending with our own production of high-quality heaters TM Teplov, sold from the EU countries and having SE certificate.
Negative reviews - this is most often an elementary silence about the features of the operation of infrared heating, which make the device ineffective.
It turns out that heating a house, a summer residence and a country house with infrared electric long-wave heaters is really not a bad solution, which has many advantages. How many heaters to buy and how much power depends on the characteristics of the situation, and the characteristics of the room. In order to make the right choice - use the help of our company manufacturer of infrared heating. We will help you choose the model you need, calculate the power of IR heating and position it correctly.