Industrial heating of a workshop in ‘Mlievsky processing equipment factory’.

Industrial heating (electric heating).
The heating equipment market gives each person a chance to choose the type and the method of heating which is most suitable to him according to the price, the mode of operation and other criteria. Since 2005, ‘Ukrprom’ has proven itself as a reliable manufacturer of infrared heaters in the Ukrainian market. Electric industrial heating of workshops, warehouses, hangars and other industrial premises - this is the job for which Ukrprom's constructors designed a special line of equipment directly for heating of steel, technology, engineering and other enterprises on constant duty concerning both the workers and the service equipment. Thus, with the release of Teplov line of industrial heaters we managed to solve at least three important issues that used to bother the headquarters and workers of dozens of factories:
1. IR equipment can be installed within a few hours or over several days (depending on the area, the number of heaters and accessibility of mounting zones).
Industrial heating by means of infrared heaters takes only 1/4 or less of the time you would have spent on the installation and connection of convective heating systems with the gas, water or air supply. If the premise, which is in need of heating, is not connected to a unified supply pipeline system or is outside the city, you will need to set up a boiler room, lay pipes, etc. Long-wave infrared heaters require only the access to electricity, which is not a problem since all production equipment in industrial enterprises is powered by electricity. Conclusion: the timeout at plants is fraught with negative consequences, so we offer a heating method that during the installation won't lead to the closure of individual zones or the whole premise until the end of the mounting.
2. Industrial infrared heaters are mounted without additional bulky supporting structures and without subsequent maintenance.
Such a positive moment, again, can not be reckoned among the advantages of pipeline and ventilating heating systems, which are hard to install from scratch. The IR heaters of "P" line can be mounted on the ceiling or another surface using simple fixing elements, small cables or on the overhanging support. Such a mounting requires only the access to the zone where the heater should be mounted(the ceiling, walls, strengthening or lighting constructions). Conclusion: the operating procedure will not be disrupted due to the need to install a heating system, the people and equipment will be able to stay in their places.
3. Industrial infrared heating equipment reduces heat loss by 80%.
The premises of factories, warehouses, workshops, and hangars are poorly insulated and are, in fact, just "boxes" of walls. In addition, there is often a large percentage of glazing - windows take up 15-30% of the total wall area and serve as an additional source of ingress of cold air into the already badly heated room. Industrial heating of workshops will be effective if we focus on heating the objects and people rather than the air. This principle of operation is provided only by industrial infrared heaters whose rays transfer the heat to all the objects in the operating zone.
How to create an infrared heating system in the enterprise?
Electric industrial heating in "Mlievsky processing equipment factory" - is one of the most striking examples of heating of industrial premises by means of Teplov IR heaters this year. Our regional representative made sure that industrial heating of the workshop in the plant would not fail in unexpected moments, and would be safe and economical. To create such a heating system with the help of infrared heaters, we suggest you contact Teplov advisers, who will calculate the correct number of pieces of equipment and their capacity, taking into account all the possible heat loss, which is present in the room. Industrial heating of a workshop in "Mlievsky processing equipment factory" allowed us to reach the temperature of 18 degrees, and consequently provide the heating of tanks, pipes, and pumps to prevent freezing of the liquid. Now, the benefits of infrared heating work on the creation of a technologically correct temperature in the enterprise, taking into account the characteristics and specifics of the operations in the workshop.