S.V. Dubovik

The task of heating this room appeared, as they say, on "word of mouth". The director, respected Dubovik Sergey Vasilievich, is well acquainted with the activities of another not small Ukrainian plant, not so long ago a giant, “TG Shevchenko Plant”. In the history of our company, we have repeatedly mentioned how long our cooperation began. Since 2005, our company has heated the first workshop "ZISH". Since that time, almost every year we introduce our infrared heating system in the rest of the factory. If we briefly list it, it is “Liteyka”, “Kuznitsa”, workshop “Trumatic” and others. “TG Shevchenko Plant” is one of the first factories in Ukraine that has mastered infrared heating on its premises.
A good product does not require advertising, people talk to each other about its quality and advantages, they advertise it themselves, which is called word of mouth. That is how we met with NPP Sapriz and Sergey Vasilievich. Even before we met Sergey Vasilievich knew how our heaters work, he knew the economic effect of using infrared heaters, and of course he saw infrared heating Teplov at work.
Our task was to calculate, select the required power and mount infrared heaters in an industrial room with an area of 350 m2 and a ceiling height of 4.5 m.
Calculations showed that in order to reach a temperature of 16 degrees, it is necessary to supply nine industrial infrared heaters Teplov P4000. Three temperature controllers were used to set the required temperature, thus dividing the room into three virtual zones. This scheme allows you to use infrared heaters in stages, including not all power, but only the necessary. Such an application of infrared heaters is very convenient in the initial period of the heating season, when the window is still not winter, but not summer.
And so, in September 2012, our company received a technical task for heating a workshop with an area of 350 m2. Ceiling height was 3.5 meters.
Thermal calculation showed that for heating it is necessary to install nine infrared long-wave heaters Teplov P4000. Heaters were divided into three independent groups. To maintain the set temperature, three temperature controllers were used, one for each group.
You can find the result of the work done and feedback below.