Heating of the shop without gas: quickly and profitable
There are several variants, how to organize the heating of a shop without gas. Solid-fuel boilers it’s possible to delete, because such equipment required the constant care and absolutely unprofitable for small premises. If at home you can heat with woods or pallets, in a trade pavilion such system is absolutely unpractical and doesn’t cope with loading. Just that’s why in this sphere use water systems on base of electrical boilers, air heating by means of installation of convectors or electrical heating of a shop with a help of infrared ceiling heaters.
One of the most important moment is the atmosphere, where gets in a client, coming to shop and qualitative heating of a shop by electricity in many aids to creation of comfortable atmosphere for shopping. Separate shops and the whole trade networks, large supermarkets and trade pavilions – business, aimed on consumer, which considering many factors and personal preferences choose that is after his heart. Our task is to help you projecting and installing such system of heating, which will be fully correspond to your business demands.
The infrared heaters provide fully autonomous heating of a shop. Such system is respondent at any correcting of temperature regime, and also easy setting in separate zones for local heating of working places, drying (in supermarkets) and other. The infrared long wave heaters fixed to ceiling and heated all surfaces and people, which are in a hit radius of IR rays. In such a way, a man feels comfortable heat regime, although at fact air temperature can be on 1-2 degree lower. This property side by side with high efficiency (97%) at correct calculation of heat power brings to economy in 30-40% in comparison with other heating systems of shop without gas.
The electrical heating of the shop with heaters TM Teplov
The example of autonomous infrared heating of a shop it’s possible to see on photos lower. After detailed calculations, our specialists installedinfrared ceiling heatersTeplov B600 in number of 4 units, which are perfectly correspond for heating of household premises and also installed forlocal heatingon small districts. The main points of equipment allocation – working places and openings – for reducing of cold air penetration inside the premise and create some warm veil.
Today it’s easy to heat a shop without using of gas – infrared system doesn’t require the arrangement of boiler station, buying of the pipes and radiators. It’s rather to fix heaters directly on ceiling, or on special lengthening ropes and connect them to thermoregulator, which helps to install clear temperature of premise heating.