Heating of industrial buildings: peculiarities
The industrial sector is the most difficult in service, just that’s why heating of industrial buildings requires especial approach taking into account specific of using such premises. Leaders of enterprises having under control not one workshop, hangar or warehouse, know firsthand how it’s difficult to reach the golden mean between economy and effectiveness during the heating season.
The main peculiarities of industrial enterprises – this is sizes of premises, where it’s real working and habitable zone doesn't exceeds 2,5-3 meters in height, however construction can achieve 20-25 meters. Heating of industrial buildings, directed to immediate heating of an air doesn’t cope with such quantity of air masses without increasing of work intensity and corresponding expenses on heating. It’s difficult to imagine water heating at enterprise, because it demands laying of the pipeline system and installation of powerful heating boiler for creation of necessary working environment. The large volume of premises – it’s not a single peculiarity, which will influence to choice of industrial heating of the enterprise.
So, specialists adviced to consider the next nuances:
- necessity of creation the zones with different climate control
- thickness and material of the buildings’ walls, percent of glazing
- presence of drafts and speed of air moving from the necessity often opening the doors, gates or other openings, for example for departure of transport, that is often determined just the specific of work of enterprise. In such case the air heating of industrial buildings will especially not effective.
- difficulties and duration of installation the system
The heating of industrial enterprises by electricity
In spite of past popularity of air heating systems, now their using in industrial sector lead to needless spends. The heating of industrial enterprises with a help of air-intake and distribution equipments leads to increasing of drafts and the wish to save to “not heatings” which are negatively affected on workers health. Also air heating is not so pliant – this is big minus, which is easily demonstrated in numbers. Only 24% of heating season time (1016 hours at work in 1 relief) need in work of heating, however from the difficulty of system start and it’s “warming up”, heating of industrial buildings works all 4200 hours, corresponding 3184 hours system works on heating of empty premise.
For avoiding of large number of lacks, industrial enterprises more often choose heating of industrial buildings with a help of infrared long-wave heaters. Recently example of using such heating system in industrial sector – is heating of industrial enterprise “DneprSpecMash” in Dnepr city. For creation of comfortable temperature +18°C on area 676 m2 our specialists installed 13 powerful heaters Teplov U6000. Such system pass freeze -20°C without the correcting of heating regime. Peculiarities of infrared or radiant heating are the direct warming of floor and other surfaces, on which there is an impact of IR rays. At this, they doesn’t evoke the chemical reaction in materials, which can be saved in heating premises. The equipment of TM Teplov is certificated and has all necessary documents, conforming it’s fire-safety and lack of harm for human’s health, which also can situated under direct IR rays.