In 2003 year Italian specialist at the heating systems V. Bearzi conducted the researches of the effectiveness of different heating systems in temples and churches. The heating of the temple or church in Europe for long ago acquired the significance, because the supporting of equal air temperature is important not only for the comfort of parishioners and priests, but also for saving of the cultural heritage – temple decoration, works of canonical arts and the building itself. For the research V. Bearzi took the heating of the churches of St. Archangel Michael in Fanigola town and of the Blessed Virgin of the God’s Grace in the Pordenon town. These ancient Italian buildings had equal at working principle heating system – ventilation system with the submission of hot air through the holes that are situated at the low part of building and taking of the air for heating through the upper holes. After longtime research the author made some basis conclusions, where he noticed, that using of such way of heating leads to that heating of the church or temple doesn’t cope with the setting tasks. The heating of the free zones is happen, fast raising of warm air to the building arch and also often emergence of the drafts in the zone where people are situated and as notice the author “obvious noisiness” of the system, from the constant air circulation.
As the decision, V. Bearzi offers to use the radiant heating of the church for the main heating and supporting of the constant temperature. The air heating systems are possible to use as the addition for increasing of the effect during the presence of large number of visitors in the church.
In Ukraine there is a practice of heating the churches and temples with the long-wave infrared heaters, which are the source of constant radiant heating for the effective supporting of equal temperature directly in the using zones. Just the flexibility and possibility to set the system under the any schedule allows to do the heating of the temple more profitable and directed at the result.
One of the last work of representatives of TM Teplov became the heating of the temple in Buchach town, Ternopol region. The beautiful and majestic temple of St. Grand Duke Vladimir equal to the Apostles was heated with a help of 5 infrared heaters Teplov by different power (U 4500 and P 2000) – they were used for heating of the basis space, where there is the majority of people. The outdoor infrared heaters of large power ideally suit to high arches of the temple, where it’s necessary to support the constant temperature without the harm of humidity level of the premise, because it can negatively affect on the safety of the inside decoration. The heating in the orthodox temples by this method allows to heat the working surfaces – in general the floor, which is long save the warm and in a such way doesn’t happen the outflow of the warm air masses under the temple’s arches. Because every heater can be used separately or in the system, there is a possibility as the local heating of the separate zones, so the general heating.