The electrical heating of the church.
Development of the technologies of radiant heating made possible the creation of comfortable microclimate in premises, earlier difficult available for the installation these or those heating systems. The bright examples are churches and temples with the high arches, rich and unique decoration, subjects of art, which are often represented worldwide historical and cultural heritage. The heating of the church in such cases has many nuances, because the majority of them were built yet in the last centuries and heating systems there were not planed. It’s possible to say that uncomfortable climate situation was the part of creation the atmosphere of humility and repentance, however for today attitude to the temperature regime in such places changed a little and more often we face with orders on the electrical heating of the church. Already now in internet it’s possible to meet such offers as heating of the church with the solid-fuel boilers, creation of the system “warm floor” and even installation of the air heating systems. Many specialists confirm that the most effective will be the combination of two ways of heating, for example “warm floor” and convective system.
The necessity to lead the heating of the church requires the detailed process of preparation and calculation of system power, its situation, influence on the condition of art’s objects. At this stage may be involved in work architects, constructors, art experts and, certainly specialists at the installation of heating systems. The creation of the microclimate in churches, cathedrals and temples with the help of solid-fuel boilers is a simple variant for small premises, where there is a possibility to lead the pipe system, without disturbing the decoration of place. Such possibility is rarely, that means more suitable will be the electrical heating of the church with the help of the system “warm floor”. This method is rather popular in European catholic cathedrals, which are differ by their impressive sizes and difficulty of architectural construction. For the example, in 1976 in Italian cathedral San Marco was created the system of radiant heating at the time of reconstruction the floor covering, under which laid the radiant heating panels. To create an air heating of the church in such cases doesn’t have a sense, because the flows of air very quickly will push out the warmth to the temple’s arches and not equal heating is negatively affect on the decoration, frescos, subjects of the canonic art and church service. The laying down of heating radiant panels under the floor covering allows after some time after system start to begin the equal heating of the church and create the comfortable atmosphere directly in working zone of people. However the heating system “warm floor” considering the peculiarities of installation can suit not in every variant, because for this it should begin the capital repair on reconstruction of the floor in the construction.
The electrical heating of the church “Kovcheg”, Dnepr.
The electrical heating of the church is possible with the usage of one more effective way, just with the help of installation of electrical infrared heaters. They are corresponding to the systems of radiant heating, that means have the unique advantages before the other ways of heating. So the infrared heaters are very easily and correctly installed at any surface, that mean, that decoration of the church, temple or cathedral will not be broken. For religious construction is important to save the acoustics and in this case thin small corpuses of infrared equipments doesn’t disturb to the right extension of sound (doesn’t create the extra obstacles) at time of church service. The heating of the church by infrared rays helps to avoid the problems of drying the air, that is especially important for supporting of normal state of building and its inside decoration.
The example of infrared heating is our recently object in Dnepr city. In this case for providing the effective electrical heating of the church we used 4 infrared heaters Teplov P4000. at time of church service, especially important create the comfortable microclimate and our system of infrared heating is perfectly copes with this task. Due to special thermo-regulators, there is a possibility clear to set the temperature, intensity of heating in different time of day. The electrical infrared heating of the church is directed to heating of the most crowded places. The rays achieve the hard surfaces and give the warmth directly, and in such way create the comfortable atmosphere yet in 30 minutes after start of the system. The electrical heating of the church by the ceiling’s infrared panels also will be profitable variant for local heating of separate zones.