Economic infrared heating of the exhibition halls by electricity.
During the heating of premises with the periodical functionality, demands to the temperature always will change depending on work schedule. To such premises, first of all, we can include trade and exhibition halls, definitely they are fully used more often during the exhibitions, fairs and other events. At the downtime of premise or even whole building mustn’t freeze through because then to prepare and heat the hall to next event will be more expensive and provision of the constant minimal temperature for heating would be more profitable.
Heating of the exhibition hall with the help of infrared heaters is a real solution which will help us to maintain constant optimal temperature in a room without major expenses. Infrared heating of exhibition halls are especially actual at the time of increasing freeze which we can observe this winter on the Ukrainian territory. At the calculations of heating power of any heating system it’s should be accounted cases of sudden temperature decreasing. In a special literature is noticed that acceptable weather conditions are considered those then a minor voltage of heating system is appeared and does not appear the discomfort for man in a thermal conditions of a room. Infrared heating of the exhibition hall will cope practically with any deflections from planned weather loads which are calculated on the indicators outdoors air temperature and wind speed.
Heating of the exhibition hall should create comfortable atmosphere for man. There are two conditional indicators of comfort thermal atmosphere.
1. The first is the lack of hypothermia sense or overheating when you are in the middle of heating zone. This condition demands of the uniform heat allocation by means of correct installation of infrared heaters along the perimeter. Definitly, for heating of exhibition halls will consider the main places of exposition’s location where people will be more often.
2.The second condition of comfort should be provided through the installation of suitable temperature norms between heated and unheated surfaces when a man is on the borders of these zones. In other words, heating of the exhibition hall shouldn’t lead to sudden changes of air temperature that happens during the heating by the convective systems, when all heater air is pushed out to ceiling and real working zone stay without heat.
Infrared heating of exhibition halls in Ukrainian Expocentre (VDNK) executed by regional representative in Kiev Kovalenko Tatiana – is a vivid example that infrared heating system can create the conditions that correspond to all requirements of comfort at reasonable expenses. Outdoors infrared heaters Teplov installed by our specialists, give heat to firm objects and provide power consumption to qualitative and equal heating of functional zone. Infrared heating of the exhibition hall will become a guaranty of economical and safe heating, because the equipment of TM Teplov is fully certified and used for heating of similar premises not only in Ukraine, but also abroad.