Independent heating of the kindergarten, Rovno

Independent heating of the kindergarten.

Trusting your child to educator for the whole day, we expect he will be provided good conditions where baby can play, learn and just interesting spending time. Independent heating of kindergarten, at the same time, plays very important role. However often, especially in a small townships and villages across the Ukraine, guidance of gardens and parents, faced with a problem of work of outdated and absolutely useless heating systems, which were laid on even during construction of the building 30-40 years ago. In such situations every “ride out” as may: in the course are different – floor standing, air or oil heaters, more rarely the cardinal actions are taken as replacement of old pipes and boiler equipments, that demands the high costs and a lot of time. Also, often with heating windows are changing – that really helps to avoid the drafts and blowing out of the slits, however doesn’t solve the problem of heating premises on the 100%. Heating of the kindergarten, besides that it should be economical as any other system of communication, also should differ with a special safety, because will be installed in room where constantly there are many children. Independent heating of kindergarten is aimed to support maximum comfortable temperature constantly, to classes and rooms for sleeping, hadn’t time to getting cold per night. An important criterion is simplicity of installation, because any replacement of pipes or other capital re-equipment will pull closing of kindergarten for the indefinite term and makes inconveniences for parents.

автономное отопление детского сада обогревателями Теплов

Infrared independent heating of the kindergarten in Rovno region Chornits village is a bright example of effectiveness of the long-wave infrared heaters TM Teplov.  The “Ucrprom” company for many years engaged in development and production of unique infrared heaters, using of which allows to take into account all demands for heating even the most “difficult” premises. Independent heating of the kindergarten with the help of our equipments will allow you quickly to solve a problem and heat the cold rooms, where there are children. Installation of equipment won’t take more than one day and children should not to stay at home and only stay a few hours in other room. What we can get in the end? On the start system needs no more than 10 minutes, after which heaters will begin to heat all surfaces which are under them. That way, infrared heating will provide warm floor, beds and then warmed air, which will not gather under the ceiling, as when using convective heating system. Due to the IR heaters we install on the ceiling, this type of heating will be absolutely safe for children and infrared radiations has only positive influence on the organism and warms bones and joints that is very useful for physical activity. Also, for the beauty, we have an opportunity to paint the corpuses of equipment at any color, that we did – raspberry heaters are perfectly look in nursery.

отопление детского сада инфракрасными панелями отопление детских учреждений потолочными ИК обогревателями