The heating of fitness center.
For today we can notice that in cities and towns the number of available places for sport in different directions is increased. For every, who comes to do sport, felt himself comfortable at the time and after trainings, it’s necessary to set the correct functioning of the systems of cooling and heating. They are inseparable connected, because the cooling system is often based on the forced-air and exhaust principle of work, that is additionally cools the premise. The heating of fitness center in this case is appealed to provide compensation of such heat losses and at the same time doesn’t dry the air, because this makes breath difficult, leads to the development of problems with breath system, which will affect in case of sport activities. The heating of fitness hall is recommended to set on two levels: the main, which is continuous heats the premise and supports the minimal admissible temperature and also additional – increasing of the temperature to the level, which is necessary at the training time. If in halls the conditioning is foresaw with the help of special equipment, the heating of the fitness center is possible to provide with the help of one system of heaters.
It is important to understand that the infrared heating is combined in one heating system factors, which in case of the heating choice of fitness hall, are decisive. So, infrared heaters Teplov, installed in fitness center in Dubno, are combined with any conditioning system, because at the installation is calculated the special flexible system of work this equipment, which can be set under any heat losses. The heating of fitness center was made with a help of infrared heaters B1350. We note, that installation of the infrared long-wave heaters has positive influenced on the quality of trainings and results of sportsmen, because infrared rays are positively influence on the blood system the organism and softly heats the muscles, decreasing the risk of stretching and dislocations. The regional representative of company “Ukrprom” – “electrical systems “Megalit” – satisfied the German owners of this health complex by the efficiency and quality of work. But the main indicator is that heaters Teplov are trusted by people, who know a lot about the quality of production and service , that was confirmed by the order of German investors of this complex on heating of fitness center.
For the correct calculations of general penetration of cold air in premise and take into account that in the halls constantly are heat release and moisture separation (if in the complex there are baths, saunas, and shower rooms) it’s necessary special calculation tables, which are pointed the level of heat emission of the body at the forces on human body and which contains facts about the requirements to the temperature regime of swimming pools and other. The infrared heating of the fitness center in Dubno is the index of correct creation of heating system in such complexes.