The infrared heating of the flat
One more bright example of using the heaters TM Teplov is a heating of a flat. It’s possible to complain long on late heating season, on old system of central heating, and it’s possible to do as owners of the flat – to address at the qualified help in the heating questions to the specialists of company “Ukrprom” and install modern high qualitative heating on the base of infrared rays, which will make your life easier, more comfortable and pleasant.
What are advantages of such kind of heating for this flat? Infrared heaters don’t take place, where can be a man, because the installation is made in upper part of room. Stylish and thin frame doesn’t spoil even the most elegant interior of your apartment. IR heating allows you always return in warm, comfortable flat at any time of year, at any weather, because there are special temperature regulators with the programmed function of temperature control, that allow to work the heater by itself and support the necessary temperature. IR heating is considerably simplify life, because you needn’t worry, whether you switched off a supply of the heater, whether children will burn accidentally, and the absence of unpleasant smell and noise makes IR heating suitable for domestic conditions.
In a flat, where we have already installed infrared heater Teplov B1350, was used special system of fixing system, which allowed to create an angle in 45 degrees between surfaces of heater and floor, for maximal effective to heat a room. We are sure, that using of our IR heaters will be a joy to owners, and they will forget about how it is cold during the transient seasonal periods.