Heating of the church, Vinnytsia region
We know how often it is difficult to choose a basic heating system in a room with non-standard dimensions and unusual placement of work areas. Conventional convective systems or mobile heaters will not be able to cope with heating complex premises, with multi-level ceilings, large windows and doors. All this will prevent the correct distribution of heat in the room, and heated air will not be able to circulate for a long time in the desired area. To solve this problem, it is worth thinking about the possibility of installing such a heating system, which would locally in the necessary zones provide the maximum thermal effect, heating not only the air, but also the objects themselves. It is infrared heaters that are able to qualitatively fulfill these requirements.
This method of heating has existed for quite some time in Ukraine and has been successfully used in a wide variety of industries for heating ordinary and requiring a special approach premises. The project for heating the church in the Vinnitsa region clearly shows how we are able to take into account all the above features of the room and calculate a unique heating scheme for each of them. The church was heated according to a special thermal calculation, after which it was decided that for the best quality effect, you must first install two Teplov P2000 heaters that will maintain the overall temperature in the room and act as the base for the main heating. Also, we installed equipment such as Teplov B600 and Teplov B1000 for special areas where people are most often.
Thus, a high-quality heating system was created with the subsequent possibility of its comprehensive control. Infrared heating optimized the use of electricity in the church and did not necessitate redecorating or overhauling.