Heating house culture, gayvoron
The House of Culture is a building with many large-sized rooms, such as a concert hall, lobby, classrooms, training rooms, which are very difficult to heat using the usual methods for us. Mobile heaters such as oil batteries or heat guns will only be able to heat air in a specific, very limited area and can create a host of additional problems. Central convective heating in such buildings, if it is, often does not cope with its task. Therefore, workers and students in the cold season are forced to warm themselves at hand, dress very warmly, which complicates the learning and work process, because when we are cold, first of all, we want to warm ourselves, and drawing, dancing and singing fades into the background.
In order to make working and creative work more comfortable, you can install long-wave infrared heaters Teplov in the premises, as was done when we installed the heating of the house of culture in the city of Gayvoron. In order to heat the largest room - a concert hall with a stage - we needed nine Teplov P3000 heaters, the operation of which is based on the infrared radiation method. Now, IR waves in nine zones heat the room daily up to 10 degrees Celsius, and on the eve of events and holidays, the concert hall can be heated up to 18 degrees Celsius.
Thus, thanks to our calculations, it is precisely the 9 infrared heaters Teplov P3000 that are able to qualitatively warm this room with an area of 300 m2. The total ceiling height in the hall was 8 m, however, we decided that it would be more efficient to install heaters at 6 m from the floor under a certain slope, which can be adjusted if desired. Also, the highlight of the use of infrared heating is that the heaters installed by us can be launched zonally in groups, without activating other devices. This is beneficial for heating a certain part of the hall with partial occupancy of the room..