The TeploV company is a Ukrainian manufacturer of infrared heaters, which in practice have repeatedly proven their reliability and efficiency. They can be used as the main and additional source of heat in the mid-season and in winter, providing comfortable conditions for staying in a room with minimal energy consumption. More than 4 years ago we designed and installed infrared heating for a private house. But we are talking about it today to show how it was a reliable, effective and cost-effective solution. In our portfolio there are many customers who were satisfied with both cooperation with the company and infrared heaters of the Teplov brand. And this is just one example.
Equipment used
The heating of the house was designed and implemented using infrared heaters of the B1350 model from the "TeploV Mono" line and an Italian-made thermostat. Among the features of the heater, it is worth highlighting the ability to create and maintain a temperature in the room up to plus 20 C:
- in winter: room area up to 13 m2, at outdoor temperatures up to minus 20 С;
- in the off-season: room area up to 18 m2, at outdoor temperatures up to plus 5 С;
- as an addition to centralized heating: room area up to 26 m2.
Before designing the heating of a country house, our specialists carefully familiarized themselves with the object, calculated the heat losses of the rooms, and familiarized themselves with the wishes of the customer. And only on the basis of the information received, the project was created and implemented in practice.
B1350 - ceiling model, which is designed for placement in rooms up to 3 meters high. The body was chosen in white, which made it possible to harmoniously fit the heating devices into the interior of the rooms. But, if necessary, the heaters can be produced in housings of different colors, in accordance with the palette of RAL shades. We have supplemented the ceiling heaters with thermostats, which made it possible to automate the heating system. Everything was implemented in a few days, because the order came to us already on the eve of the autumn cold weather and we were asked to speed up its execution as much as possible.
Recently, we contacted this customer to find out his opinion on infrared heating after 4 years of operation. It turned out that at the end of the last heating season, the thermostat was out of order and had to be replaced with a new one. For the rest, there were no complaints. Moreover, the client is very satisfied with both the efficiency of the system and the cost of heating Teplov.
A little about the benefits of IR heaters for home
Infrared heaters for a private house have been used relatively recently. Initially, the equipment was focused on heating industrial, production and warehouse facilities. But the high efficiency of IR heaters and a number of significant advantages have contributed to the expansion of the scope of their application.
- Fast heating of premises. A person will feel comfortable within a couple of minutes after turning on the device.
- Energy savings. Rated power of the B1350 model - 1300 W.
- No convection component. IR heaters do not heat the air in the room, but the objects in it. As a result, energy is not wasted.
- Compliance with SNiP and safety standards. Infrared heaters do not cause any harm to human health, do not burn oxygen, do not dry out the air, and are explosion and fire safe. They can be installed in rooms where small children, elderly people are.
- Lack of noise in the working process. Restful sleep without third-party sounds guaranteed.
- Long service life. We provide a 10-year warranty for ceiling heaters, although the service life of the devices is much longer.
Reliability, stability, undemanding maintenance, efficiency, environmental friendliness - these are the parameters that distinguish infrared heaters favorably against the background of analogs. And our clients have already managed to make sure of this. Infrared heating of a summer cottage, a country house or any other residential building is comfortable and profitable.