Gym heating for parkour, Kharkov
It is not at all easy to find a large sports hall in which the air temperature at any time of the year would be correctly selected for the convenience of athletes. Many of us, when giving our children to the sports section, were faced with the problem of a lack of heating in winter. It is no secret that after intense training a stream of cold air can cause serious harm to the body of even the most seasoned person. Unfortunately, today cold gyms, built back in the distant Soviet times, are a routine that many have to put up with.
But progress has not stood still for a long time. It is not at all necessary to arrange expensive overhauls in the building or change windows and doors. We offer you the heating of gyms in a smart way, using proven, high-quality infrared heaters TM Teplov. Recently, young children from Kharkov, who organized a parkour section in a regular gym, took advantage of our services. The very first winter, the existence of the section was threatened due to the complete lack of heating of the gym. Our company with pleasure agreed to help young athletes. We made the calculations and found out that for heating such a large sports facility with high ceilings, only seven Teplov P4000 industrial heaters will be enough. This model has proven itself in heating rooms with high ceilings and large areas..
The installation of heaters was completely made by our customers who do not have special technical training, since Teplov products are simple and intuitive to install.