Heating poultry, pig heating

Poultry heating, pig farm heating
Livestock complexes are large premises with high ceilings and concrete floors. For heating livestock farms, a heating system is needed that can maintain the temperature and humidity conditions without harming the animals.
Know-how in heating equipment - long-wave ceiling infrared heaters are ideal for these purposes, because they have all the necessary parameters - they are environmentally friendly, noiseless, safe for animal health, economical to use and durable.
Biomedical studies have made it possible to establish that infrared heating systems more fully meet the specifics of livestock buildings than convective central or air heating systems. First of all, due to the fact that with infrared heating, the temperature of the internal surfaces of the fences, especially the floor, exceeds the temperature of the air in the room. This factor favorably affects the thermal balance of animals, eliminating intense heat loss. Infrared heaters working in conjunction with natural ventilation systems reduce the relative humidity to standard values (on pig farms and in calf houses up to 70-75% and below). As a result of the operation of these systems, the temperature and humidity conditions in the premises reach favorable parameters. The use of infrared long-wave heating systems for agricultural premises allows not only to create the necessary microclimate conditions, but also to intensify production.
TEPLOV TM infrared long-wave heaters are a progressive energy-saving product, which cattle breeders need to pay attention to. Infrared long-wave systems create a healthy, comfortable, safe and climate-controlled atmosphere for raising animals, as well as increase meat growth with an overall reduction in costs.
Infrared heating can be considered optimal for heating poultry farms and pig farms. Infrared long-wave heaters operate on the principle of heating the sun: the thermal energy that they radiate is absorbed by the surrounding surfaces. Thus, the floor, walls and ceiling are heated, and they, in turn, transfer heat to the air. Animals that always stand or lie on the floor do not freeze and do not pile together, interfering with each other. Warm floors can increase the safety of young calves and piglets, contributing to an increase in gain in live weight. It is also important that infrared heaters do not burn oxygen during operation..
These types of heating equipment have many advantages: they are easy to maintain, have high thermal power, are designed for continuous operation and can operate in automatic mode. The costs of installing new generation heating equipment will be insignificant and will quickly pay for themselves, and the subsequent economic efficiency will be significant, in rooms with high ceilings, up to 50% savings compared with traditional air or convective heating.