Cost-effective heating of commercial premises

Commercial space heating
Since 2004, Ukrprom LLC has been introducing on the Ukrainian market such a type of heating as infrared long-wave heaters. Since 2010, we have launched the first line of Ukrainian infrared heaters under the Teplov trademark. Since then, we did not stop there and developed heaters for rooms of various kinds. Thus, Teplov household infrared heaters can effectively heat small rooms with ceiling heights up to 3.5 meters, for example, apartments, balconies, corridors, bathrooms, utility rooms, small shops and shopping pavilions. Industrial equipment TM Teplov is intended for industrial premises: workshops, hangars, warehouses, greenhouses, as well as for public (airports, train stations, recreation centers, clubs, cinemas). The line of outdoor infrared heaters of our production will cope with the heating of half-open areas, such as terraces and summer areas of cafes and restaurants.
However, it often happens that thermal calculations show the need to use several types of heaters. For example, heating commercial premises using infrared heaters can often combine several domestic and industrial heaters. This allows you to establish a flexible and economical heating system, because heaters of different models consume different amounts of electricity, and also heat sections of the premises with different intensities. Thanks to the installation of several types of infrared equipment, we can achieve the best results in heating trading floors in all areas.
A striking example is the project carried out by our regional representative - LLC Energoteplostroy, in the city of Zaporozhye. The task was received from customers to heat the Computer Technologies trading floor. On an area of 400 square meters. with a ceiling height of 4 meters, it was necessary to create two temperature conditions - +18 degrees during the day and +10 degrees at night.
The heat engineering calculation showed that for the efficient and economical heating of the shopping center three types of Heat heaters with a total power of 22.6 kW will be required: 12 Teplov B1000 infrared heaters and one Teplov B600 heaters, which belong to the household line, as well as 5 units of Teplov P2000, which are representatives of the industrial heater series.
You can evaluate the work of our specialists and independently feel the warmth of infrared rays on yourself at the address: 42, Lenin Ave., Zaporozhye.