Heating hospitals, clinics heating.

Hospital heating, polyclinic heating
Many of our customers, of course, have wondered about the dangers of infrared heaters. First of all, because this type of heating is still quite unusual in our country and every person wants to protect themselves and their family from harmful effects.
The answer to this question lies in the history of the appearance of infrared heaters, both in the world and in Ukraine. In the 60s of the last century, infrared heating was first used in the European Union to heat rooms in which people were constantly present. The first companies manufacturing infrared equipment created the Frico and EcoSun lines, which have established themselves as fast and high-quality heating at low cost. Already then in Europe, questions about the dangers of infrared heating were once and for all taken up, since research and long-term practical application showed excellent results and made it possible to draw a conclusion about the absolute safety of this type of heating. In the future, at the end of the twentieth century, the manufacture of infrared heaters was established in Russia under the name "Ecoline." 2004 was the date of the appearance of the first infrared long-wave heaters in our country. The Ukrprom company initially adjusted the supply of Russian-made Bilyuks heaters, but several years later, in 2010, based on European experience, taking into account all quality and safety requirements, we launched the production of infrared panels under the general name TeploV. Thus, for more than 50 years, infrared equipment has been warming many homes, shops, restaurants, warehouses, workshops, production facilities, government institutions (heating a hospital, heating clinics) and much more, which is an indicator of high efficiency and, most importantly, the absolute safety of infrared rays when influencing a person and his environment.
Today, after 5 years of active work by all regional representatives of TM Teplov, together with the manufacturer - the company "Ukrprom", we have heated many facilities throughout the country and are proud of each of our projects, because it was carried out with professional precision by our specialists.
We cannot but recall the day when the head of a medical institution in the city of Druzhkovka phoned to us to discuss the possibility of installing infrared heaters, because it was necessary to ensure high-quality heating of the hospital. It was with great pleasure that we helped Yuri Alexandrovich, made all the necessary calculations of heat loss for a total of 150 square meters. m. We were heated far from one room, and in most of them people worked or were treated. We consider this a vivid indicator of how you should not be afraid of something new, keep up with progress and take care of your subordinates and patients.
At the first stage in 2011, a reliable heating system was created from 15 pieces of heaters of three models - TeploV B1000, TeploV B1350 and TeploV B600. Later, in 2013, another 11 heaters were purchased and installed for heating the clinic. Now, hospital staff and patients can not worry that it can be cold there and not wait with fear of the heating season.