Heating kindergarten

Kindergarten heating
Many of us have at least once encountered such a problem as cold in hospitals, kindergartens, schools, and even universities. All this is a consequence of the fact that most of the buildings reserved for these institutions were built in the distant Soviet past and were heated, as a rule, using the well-known method of convective heating. Of course, after 30-50 years, the systems are outdated, the pipes deteriorate, and we are forced to freeze, dress our children warmer and worry about not getting sick when we are indoors!
This really brings great inconvenience and faces not very pleasant consequences, especially when the issue concerns our kids. Heating a kindergarten is a particularly acute issue, because funds from the state. The budget is seldom allocated or simply not enough to solve such serious problems. Therefore, many parents try to reduce the number of visits to kindergarten by children in winter, when there is a high probability, being in a poorly heated room (often not more than 12 C of heat!) To catch a cold.
Since 2012, we have been actively engaged in heating kindergartens. Infrared heaters are best suited as an additional or primary heating system. It can easily maintain a temperature of 20 ° C above zero, for example, as in a kindergarten in the Bershad district. The experience of installing infrared heaters in rooms where children are constantly located shows that infrared rays do an excellent job.
The issue of heating of children's institutions is significantly complicated by the fact that small fidgets can harm themselves due to the fact that they simply do not understand and do not appreciate the danger from this or that object or action. Therefore, in no case should you install oil heaters, heat guns and many other devices, since they are very easily accessible for children. Also, many of the classic heating systems dry the air very much. This can cause asthma, coughing attacks, and the disease to spread very quickly. Infrared panels must be installed on ceilings where children do not reach, which makes this type of heating the safest and most effective..
TM Teplov long-wave infrared heaters have all the permissions and quality certificates that allow us to install them for heating the kindergarten in rooms where the kids eat, play and sleep. After installing such equipment, you can not worry about drafts, cold floors and scorched air. At the same time, heating costs are significantly reduced compared to boiler heating. We are sure to do all the necessary heat calculations, you can get information about our previous projects to get the opinions and reviews of those who already use infrared heating.
As an example, we can consider our project for heating a kindergarten in the Bershad district. We calculated the required power and the number of infrared panels, installed and connected the entire system. We needed 15 infrared heaters of various types to maintain 20 C heat in all rooms. 6 pieces of IR heaters Teplov P2000 and 9 - Teplov B1350. The entire system is controlled by special temperature controllers that can adjust the operation of equipment in different zones.