Heating store, supermarket

Caring for the comfort of visitors is something that can significantly affect the popularity and profitability of a store. It is known that the more comfortable the buyer is in the room, the more goods will be able to attract his attention. You can achieve comfort in your shopping pavilion, store or supermarket from autumn to spring by installing high-quality heaters that work based on the infrared heating method. Today, the benefits of such heaters are discussed at many thematic forums, however, experts note that a fairly low percentage of people correctly distinguishes between types of infrared equipment.
There are such infrared heaters:
1. Longwave
2. Medium wave
3. Shortwave
The most striking example of short-wave infrared heaters can be called "UFO". A feature of such heaters is a clearly visible spectrum of light. As a rule, they are installed on terraces and summer areas. For full-fledged autonomous heating, such heaters are categorically not suitable. All the disadvantages and advantages of such heaters are described on the pages of manufacturers and on thematic forums.
Medium-wave (street) and short-wave heaters are similar in characteristics. Like short-wave ones, this type is used in small, often half-open areas, and also copes well with heating non-residential premises (corridors, utility rooms, vestibules). A classic example of an outdoor heater can be considered the Teplov U1500 model.
If you are thinking about your own autonomous heating system, which will radiate soft, comfortable heat, work silently and warm objects up to a depth of 4 cm, then you should look at the long-wave infrared heater. The features of the operation of such equipment can repeatedly please you, because a number of significant advantages distinguishes them among all three types.
For heating a store or a supermarket, we recommend you exactly the long-wave infrared heaters TM Teplov. They have many advantages that distinguish them from their competitors: easy installation and dismantling (an excellent choice for rented premises), cost-effectiveness, does not necessitate the installation of additional media, pipes, and also does not emit a spectrum of light that is visible to humans, which can interfere.
The photos on the page show the completed project for installing an infrared heating system in the Bambino store, which was implemented in the city of Mukachevo by a representative of TM Teplov.
If you will be walking next to him, then by all means take the opportunity to stop by to evaluate the quality of work of our heaters, as well as to easily and comfortably pick up something for your child in a warm atmosphere.