The use of infrared heaters

If you are looking for a universal tool for creating a comfortable microclimate, purchase infrared heaters, the scope of these devices is diverse. They can be installed anywhere: in an apartment, a country house, a cafe or a small and cozy office located in the basement.
The specific application of infrared heaters
This type of heater can be used as the main heating in apartments and private houses. They are not inferior in power to gas burners and electric heaters that maintain heat in the house at the optimum level. But unlike electric convectors and gas boilers, IR devices are more economical, do not make noise, they have a compact size, and they retain heat in the bedroom, hallway, kitchen and after they are completely turned off. The secret is that the infrared heater (device) and the principle of operation are significantly different from standard devices. A classic heater changes the air temperature within 15-20 minutes of operation, but as soon as you open the window for ventilation, the room will become cold and chilly. Devices emitting soft infrared rays act differently: they heat the air, furniture, and carpet. When you turn off the heater, the attributes that are in the room will “give” heat, creating coziness and comfort in the house.
In industrial warehouses, utility rooms, garages and other non-residential premises, IR devices can also be used as for local heating. As a rule, they move from place to place to gradually eliminate the cold, and make the stay in the premises for employees comfortable.
Infrared devices have also worked quite well in rooms where doors constantly open and close, which makes it cool inside. We are talking about pharmacies, hospitals, cafes, restaurants, coffee houses. There, the use of infrared heaters has become a godsend. They perfectly retain heat, eliminate drafts, and give visitors peace of mind - now you don’t need to worry that after a gathering over a cup of coffee you will be overcome by a cold or flu.
If there is already a convector or mini-boiler in the house or in the office, but there is no effect from it, you can buy an infrared device and use it as an additional means of heating. By turning it on to a minimum, you will get rid of the cold, and you will be able to walk around the apartment in a T-shirt and shorts when –20 ° С outside.
How to connect an infrared heater?
Many successfully connect an innovative device on their own. And all they need is infrared heaters and instructions for use. It looks simple enough:
- Mount the IR device on the wall or ceiling using the accessories in the package.
- Before starting the device, wipe the heat-emitting plate with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol and dry.
- Check the cables for damage.
- Plug in the appliance.
It is necessary to check the operation of the heater after 10 minutes, when it gains strength and power. After starting the device in your home, office, retail room or utility room, the air temperature will be optimal, and so that it does not fail, as long as possible, follow three simple rules:
- check the serviceability of the cables;
- Protect the device from dust, dirt, strong shock;
- contact a specialist if you notice that the device does not heat up or its heat transfer has decreased significantly.
Buy infrared heaters in specialized stores, check the warranty card and carefully read the instructions for use of the device!