Which heater is better and more economical for an apartment?

With the onset of cold weather, the topic of heat in the house becomes relevant, because, alas, not always existing heating can provide maximum comfort in the winter. Fortunately, thanks to modern technology, there is a more effective alternative. Today, these are infrared heaters provided by Teplov. Do not frantically wait for the day when the heating is finally turned on. Now in your house there is no place for inconvenience caused by cold. You do not have to wrap your head in a blanket, put on a hundred clothes and constantly keep warm with improvised means. It is enough to turn on the infrared heater - and a wave of heat will spread in a matter of minutes. Feel comfortable and free in your own apartment.
How to choose a heater for an apartment
The main advantage of infrared heaters is, of course, their efficiency. Unlike other means of heating, they spend 30-40 percent less electricity. This factor will positively affect your financial costs for utilities. If infrared radiation scares you, then we hasten to reassure you - it is absolutely harmless. To understand the principle of operation of this heater, it is enough to imagine the rays of the sun. Thus, the infrared heater quickly heats the surfaces of furniture, walls, etc., and then this heat spreads in space, thereby not drying the air and not creating uniform heating. Even the presence of drafts will not impede its effective operation. If you still think which heater is better for the apartment and more economical, choose an IR heater, because it will not have a harmful effect on your family, it uses electricity to a reasonable extent and fits harmoniously into the interior.
Teplov is not only the most economical heater for an apartment, it is also environmentally friendly. It works quite quickly, but it does not make the air dry, but maintains the necessary level of oxygen and humidity. The infrared rays in the device do not contain harmful ultraviolet radiation, so you do not have to worry about the safety of your children and loved ones. An infrared heater is able to bring benefits to the house, because it kills viruses and bacteria, as well as prevent the formation of fungus. You control the temperature yourself.
The electric heater is easily installed on the required surface (wall, floor, ceiling) and is quite simple to use. Modern technology is becoming not only the interior of an apartment, it is becoming an integral part of it. With your imagination, we can turn a wall-mounted IR heater into an element of decor, designing the device in the form of a picture or photograph. This approach is not only stylish, but also very practical. Teplov infrared heaters are suitable not only for home and apartment, but also provide heat for an office room, warehouse or store.
The site presents the following types of heaters for the apartment: ceiling infrared heaters, wall-mounted infrared heaters, street infrared heaters, ceramic infrared heaters. We give our customers the opportunity to choose a device in accordance with the necessary technical characteristics, method of placement and characteristics of the room. Each of the presented devices is very convenient in operation and safe even for children. If there is basic heating, we recommend purchasing a heater with a power of 150-300 watts. If the room is completely devoid of heat, then an electrical appliance of 500 watts is suitable for you. Long-wave heaters are also available. We recommend purchasing a thermostat with them, which will control the operation of the electric heating device and maintain optimal room temperature.
Heaters that are mounted on the ceiling will be a good option for small rooms, in which every centimeter of space counts. In addition, they are in special demand due to the fact that they are able to cover the entire territory of the room and distribute heat evenly. Wall heaters can not only save free space in the apartment, but also become its decoration, if you are creative in its design.
The IR electric heater is of high quality and, without any doubt, reliably serve you for more than one year, providing you and your family with heat. Occupying a minimum space, it has the maximum effect even in the coldest apartment.
Teplov company has already managed to establish itself in the best way in Germany, Poland, Lithuania. Our Ukrainian customers continue to delight us with positive product reviews. Make sure that Teplov really gives comfort and warmth!
Feel independent from the housing and communal services, because the economical Teplov heater will let you decide for yourself when to start the heating season at home. You can now create coziness and a warm atmosphere without harm to health easily, quickly and at a very affordable price..