The company “Ukrprom” got a rank IMPORT EXPORT AWARD

The manufacturer of infrared heaters TM Teplov got a rank IMPORT EXPORT AWARD.
Recently were announced the results of State’s economical ratings of enterprises in Ukraine, according to which our Company took the 16-th place (gold) among the exporters on indicators “Geography” on different groups of goods!
This is a huge honor for us to be in a number of leaders, which made their contribution in development of foreign economic sphere activity of Ukraine and to be the owners of the rank "IMPORT EXPORT AWARD". Trustiness and perspective – is that in first turn testify this rank and we, certainly will continue working over that from year to year just improve their positions. Indeed infrared heating – is a technologies of future and it’s pleasant for us, that our inventions and products under the trade mark “Teplov” was appreciated not only in Ukraine, but in EC countries. We produce long-wave ceiling and wall infrared heaters for them, who want to use by advantages of safe economical radiant heating. The last our models – ceramic infrared panels – will become the decoration of house and add even most substandard design, especially good connected with modern styles.
We also congratulate the director of company “Ukrprom” Kuydin L. and thank for example of professionalism and motivation on the way of achieving high results. It would be desirable to notice, that at time of composition the ratings took into account indicators of enterprises from all countries-participants of the Unit national business ratings, such as Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaidzhan.