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      Wattage of TeploV IR heating: Watts
      Wattage of convectional heating: Watts

      Infrared heater TeploV Y4500


      Heated area, m² 45
      Rated power, W 4500
      Dimensions, mm 1500х320х80
      Weight, kg 10
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      The Medium Wave Industrial Heater Teplov U4500 is a special equipment designed for heating a specific list of large industrial premises that are very expensive or simply impossible to heat with the help of any other type of heating. Convective heating systems with different working environments are inferior in their efficiency to medium-wave heaters, which directly affect all surfaces that fall under the IR rays. The heating element in this heater reaches a temperature of 600 degrees during operation. Due to such intensive work of infrared equipment, the desired result is achieved many times faster. However, it should be remembered that the installation of this industrial heater is not recommended for rooms with low ceilings. Thus, the main and additional heating provided by the medium-wave industrial heater Teplov U4500 is perfect for:

      - hangars, warehouses;

      - industrial structures and workshops of various industrial orientation;

      - railway stations and other medium-sized and large-sized buildings, the thermal calculation for which showed the need for the use of TeploV U4500.

      *Heating parameters are indicated for premises with heat loss of 100 W / m2

      Separately, it should be noted the possibility of local heating of the room with a suspension height of up to 10 meters, where a comfortable temperature will be achieved due to a clearly directed heat flow and its intensity.



      • As the main heating, the Teplov U4500 will create +20 degrees by about 45 square meters. at the air temperature outside the window to -26 degrees
      • 90 square meters. m. will be warmed to + 20 degrees during demi-season periods when the temperature drops not lower than -4 degrees
      • This medium-wave heater as an additional heating will add 10 degrees of heat to 90 square meters. m., if the acceptable temperature is additionally supported by other sources of heat
      • There is also the possibility of local heating with an industrial heater Teplov U4500 - 25 square meters. m., which can act specifically directed spot heating (requires special advice on the location of the heater). 
